The project consists of art and environmental lighting in the large residential area of Virontörmä, Tampere. A major part of the project has been the communal process in which the designers brought in the views of the residents by highlighting important themes the residents had stated in a survey. A workshop was held for the residents and also kids from the local kindergarten participated and got to draw and paint. Lighting designers created compositions from these workshop materials. These light murals which are projected to the gables of the apartments communicate the spirit of the neighborhood and local identity. In this project, the happiness and the joy of making things together are highlighted.
Which kind of light sources and what other materials and equipment are used?
14 Martin Exterior IP500 equipped with 230W LED lightsources. Lighting Control ETC Mosaic.
Seen before at:
Public artwork in Virontörmä residential area, Tampere.
BLAF Best of Light Art in Finland
is hosted by
Finnish Light Art Society FLASH
Producer: Annukka Ketola
+358 40 735 3972
Mia Kivinen /
Anna Björklund /