Severi Haapala: Drop It Like It's Hot

The work Drop It Like It's Hot reflects on the associations created by color and shape. The work reflects on the space between movement and immobility.

The process for Drop It Like It’s Hot started from the idea of melting metal. Haapala thought about the relationship between plasticity and elasticity and tried to stop movement, as in a photograph. The work also has a more playful side, which refers to the rap classic in its name and thus to the image that the form evokes. 

Light sources, materials, and equipment:  
Led lights.

Dimensions of the work, approximately (width-height-depth): 
210 x 10 x 15 cm

Electricity consumption:
Standard mains current (10A/16A).

Does the artwork use sound?
No sound.

Support and other structures:
The work needs support structures, hanging points, or similar.

Structures, hardware, or other equipment needed from the client: 
Two hanging points about 80 cm apart from each other or a flat metal for magnetic hooks that comes with the piece. Can be also attached to the wall.

Minimum height of the space:
3 m

Minimum square meters of the space:
4 m2

Requirements for the space: darkness, temperature, colouring (light / dark / specific colour / other) etc.:

Building time and people required (estimate):
0,5h for one person.

Artist's presence:
Guidance can be provided for building.

Seen before at:
Lux Helsinki 2024


BLAF Best of Light Art in Finland
is hosted by
Finnish Light Art Society FLASH

Producer: Annukka Ketola
+358 40 735 3972

Mia Kivinen /
Anna Björklund /

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