Petri Saarikko: Mindmap

A series of works combining painting and performance.

I sense and perceive the world largely on the basis of visible light and colour. In the Mindmap works, I ponder how painting could continue from daylight into darkness.

Presentation of the artwork:

Petri Saarikko
Mindmap | 2022

Mindmap Petri Saarikko Photo: Petri Saarikko

Untitled (blue) 1
Turquoise (turquoise) 2
Untitled (turquoise) 3
Yellow (untitled) 4
Green (green) 5
Pink (pink) 6

Oil color on canvas. Performance. Flashlight. 300 cm x 200 cm (6 x 100 cm x 100 cm).

Remedies, Roots
Danielson-Kalmari Villa
Vääksy, 19.6.–7.8.2022
Supported by Arts Promotion Centre Finland

Supported by Arts Promotion Center Finland.

Mindmap 2022, Untitled (untitled) shroud 2 Petri Saarikko Photo: Petri Saarikko

Untitled (untitled) shroud 2 (2022)
Oil color on canvas and wood. 32 cm x 40 cm.

Mindmap 2022, Blue (blue) 8 Petri Saarikko Photo: Petri Saarikko

Blue (blue) 8
Oil color on canvas. 100 cm x 100 cm.

Remedies, Roots
Danielson-Kalmari Villa
Vääksy, 19.6.–7.8.2022
Supported by Arts Promotion Centre Finland.

Mindmap 2022, Red (orange yellow) 13 Petri Saarikko Photo: Petri Saarikko

Red (orange yellow) 13
Oil color on canvas. 30 cm x 40 cm.
Private collection: A.S. & M.S.

Remedies, Roots
Danielson-Kalmari Villaa
Vääksy, 19.6.–7.8.2022
Supported by Arts Promotion Centre Finland.

Mindmap 2022, Blue (blue) 10 Petri Saarikko Photo: Petri Saarikko

Blue (blue) 10
Oil color on canvas. 23 cm x 27 cm.

Remedies, Roots
Danielson-Kalmari Villa
Vääksy, 19.6.–7.8.2022
Supported by Arts Promotion Centre Finland.

Light sources, materials, and equipment:  

Approximate dimensions of the work, (width-height-depth):
300cm x 200cmm

Electricity consumption:
Self-supporting (no need for an electric current, uses batteries etc.).

Does the artwork use sound?
Ambient sound.

Support and other structures:
The work includes all the necessary structures.

Structures, hardware, or other equipment needed from the client: 

Minimum height of the space:
400 cm

Minimum square meters of the space:
20 m2

Requirements for the space: darkness, temperature, colouring (light / dark / specific colour / other) etc.:
Dark & light.

Building time and people required (estimate):

Artist's presence:
Guidance can be provided for building.

Seen before at:
Remedies | Roots, Danielson Kalmari Villa, Vääksy, 2022


BLAF Best of Light Art in Finland
is hosted by
Finnish Light Art Society FLASH

Producer: Annukka Ketola
+358 40 735 3972

Mia Kivinen /
Anna Björklund /

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