Irina Pått: 14 Dancers

Plywood relief with light, located in Serlachius Museum's Art Sauna.

14 Dancers is a work by designer Irina Pått located in Serlachius Museum's Art Sauna in Mänttä, Finland. The light work displays 14 dancing figures cut into birch plywood. Light illuminates the outlines of the whimsical figures.

Pått's DANCING works consist of a group of plywood reliefs that are designed for both public and private spaces. The pieces are functional products and pure artworks which constantly challenge and blur the categorisation between functional objects and visual arts. The technique of the wooden works honours the history of reliefs, even though the expression is very much her own. The works are reliefs with sunken hollow lighting reminiscent of the “Giant’s Kettles” from the Ice Age.

The environmentally friendly veneer has been finished with wax. Using wood in buildings and interiors meets the criteria of sustainability. Wood is a material that has a positive effect on health and wellbeing. It is also a solution for indoor air problems and noise reduction, as well as reducing our carbon footprint.

Birch plywood and light.

60 x 60 x 4 cm

Serlachius Museum's Art Sauna, Joenniementie 47, 35800 Mänttä, Finland.



BLAF Best of Light Art in Finland
is hosted by
Finnish Light Art Society FLASH

Producer: Annukka Ketola
+358 40 735 3972

Mia Kivinen /
Anna Björklund /

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