Anna Hyrkkänen: An Impression – the More the Distance, the Better the Visibility

An installation thematically connected with memory, memories, and temporal shifts.

An installation about a human being and human absence. The installation is reflections on disappearance, transformation, re-organisation – on life and death. The pieces of furniture and objects represent traces of human presence. Different realities and parallel worlds where time flows and circulates in a dreamlike state. In this spatial art piece reality and fiction, dream and waking state, intermingle. 

Light sources, materials, and equipment:  
Colored lights (gobo, led lights, halogen), two video projections, two media players, sculpture elements.

Dimensions of the work, approximately (width-height-depth):
The piece demands construction of a stage (5m x 2,5 m x 3 m).

Electricity consumption:
Standard mains current (10A/16A).

Does the artwork use sound?
No sound.

Support and other structures:
The work needs support structures, hanging points, or similar.

Structures, hardware, or other equipment needed: 
The piece demands construction of a stage (5m x 3 x 2,5 m) (client will be responsible for the construction of the stage), gobo- lights or similar, other equipments (two media player and two video projectors).

Minimum height of the space:
3 m

Minimum square meters of the space:
36 m2

Requirements for the space: darkness, temperature, colouring (light / dark / specific colour / other) etc.:

Building time and people required (estimate):
construction of stage (2 days), installation sculpture and lights 2-3 days.

Artist's presence:
Artist or their representative must be present during building.

Seen before at:
Mindset, Gallery Forum Box, Helsinki, 2016


BLAF Best of Light Art in Finland
is hosted by
Finnish Light Art Society FLASH

Producer: Annukka Ketola
+358 40 735 3972

Mia Kivinen /
Anna Björklund /

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