The work takes different forms of matter into a playful treatment. What can we create with bottled air? Will the glow of the coals create heat, and will the heart-shaped cloud eventually form from smoke, steam, haze, or magic? No smoke with out fire? The work started when I was looking for material for my master's thesis in social sciences. My master’s thesis is about virtual performer. While researching the history of the virtual performer, I found the book Scénegraphie nouvelle published by Jaques Polier in 1964. In the book the illusion itself and the construction of it are presented in many different images. The Pepper’s Ghost is popularized by the English scientist John Henry Pepper.
Which kind of light sources and what other materials and equipment are used?
Led lights and 32" Led display.
Please provide the dimensions of the work. Approximate size will do. Please mention if the work can be adjusted. (width-height-depth):
130 x 80 x 45 cm
Electricity consumption:
Standard mains current (10A/16A).
Does the artwork use sound?
No sound.
Support and other structures:
The work includes all the necessary structures.
Please state which structures, hardware or other equipment is needed from the client:
Minimum height of the space:
2 m
Minimum square meters of the space:
4 m2
Requirements for the space: darkness, temperature, colouring (light / dark / specific colour / other) etc.:
Dark room.
Building time and people required (estimate):
1,5h, one person (the artist).
Artist's presence:
Artist or their representative must be present during building.
Seen before at:
Lux Helsinki 2024
BLAF Best of Light Art in Finland
is hosted by
Finnish Light Art Society FLASH
Producer: Annukka Ketola
+358 40 735 3972
Mia Kivinen /
Anna Björklund /