The site-specific installation is made for the chosen space using either an electric light source or fully relying on natural day light. Light filters into the space through a patchwork of layered sheets of beeswax, which are applied directly onto the windowpanes. The essence of the work consists in the translucency of the sheets and the density of the color spreading into the space.
To modify the color of light of the conventional lighting fixtures, there is a wide range of lighting filters with hundreds of different shades. Color filter L102 Light Amber is designed to produce warm bright sunlight effects. Through the sheets of beeswax the tone is the same – and yet not. The installation is based on the lighting design for a choreography of Leila Kourkia (Nevereverland 2017).
Dimensions of the work:
The installation is site-specific. The dimensions of the work are defined by the area of the windowpanes of the chosen space.
Spaces suitable for exhibiting the work:
Cold space (eg. a shed, a silo etc.), Semi-heated space, Heated space, A light space with windows. It can be any room, a porch, a hall, a gallery, a corridor or a passageway. All of the windowpanes will be treated. Installation is also realizable in a space where an entrance is covered with a plexiglass.
Work’s durability:
Sub-zero temperatures, Humidity, Sunlight
Requirements for the space:
There must be light beaming through the windows. If not relying on the natural day light, there must be safe circumstances for placing the electric light sources outside of the space. No other lighting in the space.
Colouring requirements:
Electricity consumption:
If not relying on the natural day light, standard mains current (10A/16A)
Required technology:
If not relying on the natural day light, then needed 1 beamer/beamers rented at location.
Building time and people required (estimate):
1 or more working days, depending on the size/area of the windows.
Artist's presence:
Artist or their representative must be present during building.
On-site building:
Built on-site
BLAF Best of Light Art in Finland
is hosted by
Finnish Light Art Society FLASH
Producer: Annukka Ketola
+358 40 735 3972
Mia Kivinen /
Anna Björklund /